

We welcome suggestions on the services provided by the practice, and we are continually looking to improve our service.

We have a very active PPG who act as a representative of the patient population and help to improve communication between the practice and our patients, please let us know if you woul like to become part fo this highly valued part of our team.


Many patients are appreciative of the clinical and customer service our staff provide.

It is helpful and encouraging to our team to receive positive feedback when you feel we have done something well.

If you would like to provide such feedback, you can use the friends and family link you recieve after each consultation with the practice.


We are aware that on occasion things may occur that will cause a concern for a patient, and we as a practice are keen to learn from this and continue to make our service better.

If this is the case, please speak to a member of our reception team who can quickly pass this to the manager and senior clinical team to try and resolve matters as quickly as possible.

Often it is not necessary to make a written complaint, however, if this situation does arise, please address your complaint to the Practice Manager.

Once a complaint is received, we aim to;

  • Acknowledge your complaint within three working days
  • Aim to resolve the matter as soon as possible, pending the investigations required
  • Send a formal reply following the investigation, or you may be invited to meet with the person(s) concerned to resolve the issue
  • Keep you informed as the investigation progresses, if it is likely to take a longer period of time

Whilst we would like to do all we can within the practice to resolve your concerns, if you are not satisfied with the practice response but do not want to take matters further within the practice, you have the right to seek an independent review of your concerns from the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman.

All feedback we receive is shared with relevant staff members and the wider team.

We aim to either continue to provide the best clinical and customer service possible, or improve and learn from our mistakes.